Text Minifier
Text Minifier – minify text online
Text Minifier is an online tool used to clean up your blocks of text using various criteria. You can remove unwanted space, tab or lines.
It is useful in creating HTML, CSS and JavaScript (JS) files. Using this minify online tool one can easily minify css, minify js, minify html, minify jsonminify xml,minify code,minify url etc. These files are created by web developer, the format is human readable and it contains spaces, comments, variables & code. It also helps others who might later work on the assets. While this is a plus in the development phase, it becomes a negative when it comes to serving your pages. Web servers and browsers can parse file content without comments and well-structured code, both of which create additional network traffic without providing any functional benefit.
How to Minify/ Cleanup text?
- To minifiy or cleanup the text content add/ copy and paste the text data into the input.
- You can select the checkbox option and specify whether to remove space/ tab/ line.
- Click the minify button to minifiy or cleanup the text content.
- Click button to copy to clipboard.